Friday, May 29, 2009

interesting NeWs

Obama expected to announce cybersecurity revamp, new 'czar'

This is about the plans to deal with cybersecurity threats to federal agencies and the private sector, including the creation of a White House "cyber czar." Its basically to protect all cyberspace from being hacked with computer viruses and aware.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Next year

My plans for next school year is to get my grades up and try to get above a 2.5.hopefully i can get some good grades and complete my needed classes.School work and sat, act tests and everything, also i need to get my service hours.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer time

What i plan to Do alot of things this summer.i plan to chill with my mom my girlfriend.get bmy service hours for school and work on finding a job and moving back in with my mom,also to play new games that are commin out during summer anlong with movies.I am also going to pratice driving.

Friday, May 22, 2009


MY est frined is Desiree I.SHes is so much of an awsome friend and shes at the same time a good person.Man i am gonna miZz her,i've had had so much fun with her being in my Yearbook class and me and her chillin at times during lunch.Hopefully we will have contact with her when she leaves because she is going off to college and sh is also moving somewhere :(.She has left smile's on basically everyone that i know in that class happy.Im gonna miss you Desi!! Seniors of 09!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Free post

Thanks to some highly beneficial influences you will have a chance to help or guide someone through a tricky time, which is likely to bring its own rewards in the future, even though you might not be able to see it at the time. So keep an open mind today, Capricorn


This is my dream car!!! this car looks like one of those cars that id work my butt off for,lol its indescribable.this car may be old and the company doesnt make it anymore but its still a car i would like to have in the future.yellow and black would be an awsome car color for this car!


Graffiti is something awsome.people can express their feelings in their drawings but graffiti is a strong feeling that i loooks so good when theirs color but me i usually do black and white colors.graffiti is fun to do hjust ot when your coloring on peoples walls and getting into trouble with the cops.

JApan is where i wanna go

I would like to go around the world and visit countries and mostly i wanna go to japan or somewhere relaxing with my girlfriend.i wanna go there because it would reduce my stress level,plus it would be good for me and my girlfriend to have fun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


my first day of freshman year was so first blcook on the first day i felt out of place and unhappy.i had mr.campbell first block mr wright third i dont remember who i had second block, i had third fourth block was ms.grisby!and i fell asleep in her we got out at 2:30.the first day of freshman year wasnt all that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The quote

"I don't see myself being special; I just see myself having more responsibilities than the next man. People look to me to do things for them, to have answers"

Monday, May 18, 2009

What im good att

Well what im good at im like a pro at playing video games lol basically the master at most games.I can prove this by askin people to bring in their ds or friends ds,and challenge them to mario cart ds or any multi player games.totally own you noobs at any games!


Two men arrested and charged with murder

i this is intereating news because this kid went to our schoool and i disliked him because he was really annoying and crazy,he lit my pants on fire!

Post 31

kindergarten/pre k was Definatly what i kinda remember.ohh the memories of playing wit my friends, and cooking all was so fun,but i had bad days.A couple times i remember they made me sleep on the cold dirty fllor.i hated that,so nasty and not hygenic at all.i was shy and i didnt wanna let go of my dad.that was bascially my first day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Broken psp fear

MY fear is a broken psp!(cuz i dont have any basic fear)
For me to get over my fear is to be able to fix a psp,i have to learn to do that sometime, or to get a new psp.
The only thing interesting about it is that i get free psp's if they are this is really a fear though.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ED boyz

In these pictures ed edd and eddy are goin going on an adventutre to eds closet (really dirty closet) to take pictures of the sponges that ed collect so they can sell it as a scam to the neighbor hood kids.ed gets distracted and mezmerized by the tv and his monster movies, that he starts to think and act like a monster.soon he goes crazy and destroys the neighborhood and then he takes everyone and sticks them to the wall with soggy chunky after his parents come home and he comes back to his senses, then eddy starts complaining about edd and kevin and rolf chases him.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Magazine ciover

This is one of the naruto magazine looks pretty cool and to me its memorable because deidera(left)was one of my favorite villains in the naruto shippuuden.and this has to do with the battle between sasuke and him.obviously there is a better magazine cover i could have gotten but i liked this magazine better.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I chose this picture because i am a big fan of kingdom hearts,also i didnt know what kind of red thing i would want to pick.the picture is cool,and also if this were the game id be using this form of sora(valor form).Its pretty cool.